To say I had an overactive imagination as a kid might be an understatement.
I used to sit and dream of new worlds where I could be an army soldier or a fighter pilot or a safari guide on the plains of Africa. Then… One day my parents knocked on my door and asked me… “What do you think about selling everything we own and traveling the world for a year?” Although a little dumbfounded the answer was pretty easy. YES! The trip led us to Machu Picchu and Angkor Wat. We saw rhinos, cheetah, platypus, and penguins in their native habitats. I surfed a few of the better waves this planet has to offer and made more friends than I could have ever asked for. It gave me a unique perspective of the world and sparked a curiosity to make a deeper connection with our natural one.
It was later in high school when this love affair with photography came into fruition. I was fascinated by the quality of emotion a single photograph could convey. I was fortunate enough to study under a few truly talented photographers who gave me a unique insight into what it takes to become a great artist. It was such an amazing experience.. but after a few years I looked at my own portfolio (or lack thereof) and asked myself “What have I been doing all of this for?”
I knew it was time to work on a project that I felt mattered in my heart. My passion is wildlife, the environment and helping save the planet for the next generations to come. So my dad and I joined forces to create The Wildlife Defenders. A photo essay which documents the efforts of those who dedicate their lives to protecting endangered species from extinction.
I’m thankful to still hold that deep love for imagination today, for creating new worlds and capturing the limitless beauty in our own. I believe by capturing that one, fleeting instance in time it gives life to a moment that can last forever.